Home Indian Not just waste, here are 7 amazing benefits of coffee grounds

Not just waste, here are 7 amazing benefits of coffee grounds

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Author: Umi Fatimah

We may be used to throwing away the coffee grounds after brewing our morning cup of coffee. However, did you know that coffee grounds actually have a variety of amazing benefits?

These coffee grounds, which seem to be just waste, actually have extraordinary potential which is a shame to miss. Let’s explore together 7 amazing benefits of coffee grounds that you may have never known before!

1. Cleaning Kitchen Utensils

using spent grounds on pots and pans 1687160494using spent grounds on pots and pans 1687160494

The coarse texture of coffee grounds makes it ideal for cleaning kitchen utensils that are difficult to clean, for example food residue from pots and pans.

To get these benefits, simply sprinkle coffee grounds directly onto the pots and pans you want to clean, then rub as usual. Make sure to rinse thoroughly afterward.

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2. Repair scratches on wooden furniture

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With coffee grounds, you can repair scratches on wooden furniture in an environmentally friendly and cost-effective way.

Coffee grounds contain natural pigments that can penetrate the surface of the wood, making scratches on furniture less visible or even disappear completely. This process is similar to the way wood stain works.

Apart from that, the caffeine in coffee grounds can also have a rejuvenating effect on wood, making wooden furniture look fresher and bringing its natural color to life.

To use wood dregs as a polish for wooden furniture, simply mix the coffee grounds and water until it becomes a thick paste, then rub it onto the scratched area with a cloth or cotton ball. Leave it for 5–10 minutes before wiping it clean. Repeat if necessary, of!

3. Natural Dyes

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Apart from being useful as an energy-boosting drink, coffee grounds can also be used creatively as an environmentally friendly natural dye.

You can use coffee grounds as a great natural dye for various purposes, including adding color to fabric, paper, or even wood. The caffeine and natural pigments contained in coffee grounds give it an attractive brown color.

The natural coloring process with coffee grounds is generally done by boiling the coffee grounds in water, then using the coffee grounds solution to soak or apply to the surface you want to color.

4. Disguise Panda Eyes

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The caffeine content in coffee grounds is said to help disguise dark circles under the eyes and eye bags. This is because coffee grounds contain antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties in caffeine which can stimulate circulation around the eyes.

Add a few drops of coconut oil to the coffee grounds to form a paste. Rub it gently into the skin around your eyes, and make sure to avoid direct contact with your eyes.

Remember that the skin near the eyes is very sensitive, so make sure not to rub it exfoliant too hard, of! Leave the coffee grounds mask for about 10 minutes, and rinse thoroughly.

Read Also: 10 Super Practical Contemporary Snacks to Accompany Drinking Coffee

5. Makes meat tender

coffee crusted steak 8coffee crusted steak 8

Coffee grounds contain natural acids and enzymes that can soften the tough muscle fibers in meat. The acidic properties of coffee grounds can also help improve the taste of meat.

To use coffee grounds, simply add used coffee grounds to your favorite dry rub and rub it on the meat two hours before cooking.

This way, the coffee grounds will cook on top of the meat and form a dark, crispy crust.

As an alternative, you can also re-brew the coffee grounds, let them cool, and use them to marinate meat in the refrigerator for up to 24 hours before cooking.

6. Exfoliate the skin

studies show coffee good for health and is a rich source of caffeinestudies show coffee good for health and is a rich source of caffeine

Who would have thought that we could use coffee grounds to exfoliate the skin. The coarse particles in coffee grounds function as an exfoliating agent to help remove dirt and dead cells on the skin.

What’s more, the caffeine in coffee grounds has powerful antioxidant properties that can help protect the skin from sun damage and improve overall skin health.

Just mix coffee grounds with a little water or coconut oil then rub it directly onto your face and body slowly. You can also mix coffee grounds with a little honey and use it as an exfoliating lip scrub.

7. Eliminate Bad Odor

coffee grounds in the refrigeratorcoffee grounds in the refrigerator

Coffee grounds are not just ordinary waste. Apart from being beneficial for skin health, you can use coffee grounds to get rid of unpleasant odors.

You can put a bowl of coffee grounds in the refrigerator or freezer to neutralize the smell from food. Coffee grounds can even be used to remove the smell on your hands after cooking by rubbing the coffee grounds when washing your hands.

So, now you know about the benefits of coffee grounds, right? Hopefully these 7 benefits of coffee can inspire you to try this natural solution at home.

Read Also: Benefits of Green Beans for Body Health

circle cropped 1circle cropped 1 Atsarina Luthfiyyah (Senior Editor)

Has educational experience in the fields of Culinary and Journalism. His hobbies are writing, traveling and cooking. Masters in Communication Sciences at Gadjah Mada University
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