Home Indian 6 Types of Vegetables that Must Be Stored in the Refrigerator

6 Types of Vegetables that Must Be Stored in the Refrigerator

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Author: Umi Fatimah

Vegetables are healthy food ingredients that have complete nutritional content. In Indonesia itself there is various types of vegetables which can be processed into various delicious and appetizing dishes.

To ensure freshness and quality are maintained, several types of vegetables require special care, especially storage in the refrigerator. With proper attention, these vegetables will stay fresh and ready to cook whenever needed.

Nah, If you are still confused about which vegetables need to be stored in the refrigerator, see the following article, yuk! Here are several types of vegetables that should be stored in the refrigerator:

1. Spinach

store spinachstore spinach

The type of vegetable that is most often processed into clear vegetables tends to wilt easily if not stored properly. Nah, To keep the spinach fresh when stored, you can clean and dry the spinach first until it is completely dry.

Next, place it in an airtight container or plastic bag lined with tissue. Then cover the container or plastic to maintain the humidity level.

Then store the spinach in the refrigerator at a temperature of around 1 to 4 degrees Celsius. Make sure you store the spinach immediately for a maximum of two hours after purchasing it so that it remains fresh and doesn’t wilt quickly.

Read Also: 11 Various Indonesian Homemade Vegetable Recipes

2. Broccoli and Cauliflower

fresh broccoli transparent plastic bagfresh broccoli transparent plastic bag

Unlike other vegetables that rot or wilt easily, broccoli and cauliflower can last for several days and remain fresh. Note, you have to store broccoli and cauliflower in the right way and place.

The right way to store broccoli and cauliflower so that they last a long time is to store them in the refrigerator. Before putting it in the refrigerator, make sure you store it in a plastic bag with holes or a mesh bag.

In addition, avoid washing broccoli and cauliflower, because storing them wet will increase mold growth and speed up spoilage.

3. Carrots

store carrots in fridgestore carrots in fridge

Root vegetables, such as carrots, can last a long time if stored in the refrigerator. To store carrots that have not been peeled or cut, store the carrots without washing them first in an airtight jar wrapped in tissue.

However, if you want to store carrots that have been cut, you can put the cut carrots in a container filled with cold water. Then close the container and store it in the refrigerator. Don’t forget to change the carrot soaking water periodically. of!

4. Lettuce

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Lettuce tends to be sensitive to humidity and hot temperatures. So, you have to store lettuce in the refrigerator at a low temperature.

Before storing it in the refrigerator, wash the lettuce and dry it thoroughly using a spinner or wiping with tissue.

After that, you can wrap the lettuce first using clear plastic or a sealed container lined with tissue inside. The purpose of using this tissue is to absorb excess moisture that occurs due to a decrease in refrigerator temperature.

Next, you can store lettuce in the vegetable drawer in the refrigerator along with other types of vegetables.

5. Cucumber and Peppers

How to Store Cucumbers to Last for Weeks Featured ImageHow to Store Cucumbers to Last for Weeks Featured Image

These two types of vegetables are best stored in the refrigerator to maintain their freshness and crunch. Before putting them in the vegetable drawer in the refrigerator, store cucumbers or peppers in a plastic bag or closed container lined with tissue to prevent excess moisture due to direct cold temperatures which can damage the texture of the vegetables.

6. Tomatoes and Eggplant

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Tomatoes and eggplants should be stored in the refrigerator if you don’t want to process them immediately. Store in an open container or on a paper towel so it doesn’t get too cold and lose its flavor.

Read Also: 10 Healthy and Special Vegetable Menus for Families

Storing vegetables in the refrigerator is not only to maintain freshness, but also to prevent spoilage caused by bacteria or fungus. With the method above, you can enjoy all the nutritional goodness contained in vegetables, maintain a healthy body, and provide variety in your daily dishes.

circle cropped 1circle cropped 1 Atsarina Luthfiyyah (Senior Editor)

Has educational experience in the fields of Culinary and Journalism. His hobbies are writing, traveling and cooking. Masters in Communication Sciences at Gadjah Mada University
Contact Us at [email protected]

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